The Electronic Cigar Lifestyle
Giving a CUVANA E-Cigar as a Gift
For years, cigars have been a go-to gift, so much so that they’ve become an iconic present for bachelor parties, new ...
Do E-Cigars Make You Look Cool or Silly?
E-cigars may not yet enjoy the level of popularity that other types of mods do, but in the end, that's really all it ...
Benefits of Not Having To Worry About Ash, Odor, or Congestion after Using an E-Cigar
With the advent of e-cigarettes and e-cigars, people have been using this new technology a lot more. Like the perso...
A Vaper's Valentine's Day Gift: CUVANA E-CIGAR
Yep, Valentine’s Day is almost upon us already, and no doubt that you might have been procrastinating to no end on fi...
The Best Electronic Cigar for Reducing Your Dry Cleaning Bill
My friend Troy often takes clients out for dinner when he travels for business. Some of them enjoy an after-dinner ci...
3 Reasons for Cigar Smokers to Try E-Cigars
Now that electronic cigarettes are on everyone’s lips, will e-cigars be the next big thing? E-cigars, or electric cig...
A New Dad Goes for E-Cigars
I’ll admit that I was prepared to reject the new e-cigars on the market. So many small, but significant, moments go i...
3 Reasons for Cigar Smokers to Try E-Cigars
Now that electronic cigarettes are on everyone’s lips, will e-cigars be the next big thing? E-cigars, or electric ci...